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Timber Frame Construction

Timber frame construction has been around for centuries—and with good reason. A timber frame provides not only an exquisite structure for the home, but also supports the weight of the roof by transferring the load to the principal posts and foundation. Here we’ll explore the ins and outs of timber frame construction, including post and beam house styles, insulation tips, site management, and construction time frames.

Pitch Perfect: Designing for a Sloped Lot
Designing for a sloped lot has its ups and downs, but with creativity and proper planning, you can call a mountainside site home.
What to Expect on Frame-Raising Day
What you should know about the day your home’s timber frame goes up.
How SIPs Help You Save Money
The Benefits of SIPs & ICFs
Colorado Timberframe Industrial Kitchen
A Guide to Different Timber Home Architectural Styles
Trying to decide which style timber frame is right for your new home? The experts at Colorado Timberframe have a few pointers:
How to Decide Where to Put Your Timber Home's Chimney
A reader writes in wondering where to put a chimney to get the most bang for their buck...
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What's Your Dream Custom Home?
Figure out what kind of custom home you should build.
How to Plan Your Wiring and Ductwork
What goes on behind your four walls requires a lot of planning. Here’s how to get your systems straight.
Who Actually Builds Your Home?
Whoever builds the home, the best qualifications are that the person provide reliable, qualified subcontractors and that you feel…
Anatomy of a Timber Frame
Use this handy illustration as a guide to timber frame terminology:
Our Checklist for a Smooth Build
Use this syllabus to better understand what to expect from the process of building your dream timber frame home. While it may be …
What's the Difference Between Post-and-Beam and Timber Framing?
It's the details that make all the difference after all!
What You Need to Know About the Most Common Wood Species
The details of each variety may seem small, but their effect is huge.
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Timber Frame Homes
Timber frame construction has been used for centuries and is increasingly popular today – here’s why.
The Timber Frame with Amazing Views
Conventional vs. Naturally Built Timber Homes
What are the biggest differences between conventional and naturally built homes?
What is a Natural Timber Home?
What exactly is a naturally built timber home, and what sets it apart from other homes?
wormy maple flooring
How to Maintain Your Wormy Maple Floor
Wormy or ambrosia maple is known for its white and dark wood tones, but it can lose color over time. Here's how to keep your worm…
Why Build a Timber Frame Home?
Why Build a Timber Frame Home?
Why you should consider building a timber frame home for you and your family.

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