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At Timberbuilt we build stunning, earth-friendly homes both small and large.


Company Details

Address: P.O. Box 512
City: Ellicottville
State: New York
Zipcode: 14731
Contact: Get a Quote


At Timberbuilt we build stunning, earth-friendly homes both small and large. Timbers and panels -- an unbeatable combination. The most energy efficient homes being built today, with a "wow" factor only timbers can give. We've been refining our approach to this winning combination for over 20 years. Timberbuilt's evolution is constant, but incorporates age-old techniques. Our homes reflect our sense of style, pragmatism, and a desire to build the very best. We've satisfied clients from Massachusetts to Montana with our award-winning designs, our homes' low environmental impact, and our cost-effective approach. And, you'll enjoy working with us, too.

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